Select an email address from the list or use a and type the email address into the box.Check the box next to ‘Have replies sent to’ if it isn’t already checked and hit Select Names.Select Options and Direct Replies To in the ribbon.If you only need to change the address for one or two emails, you can make the change in each individual mail. However, if you want to permanently add or change the reply to address you can do that too, except if you use Exchange as already mentioned.Ĭhange the reply to address for each email Typically you would change the reply to address for an individual email or a couple of emails and that would be it. You will have to contact your IT team if you use Exchange.Ĭhange the reply to address in Outlook 2016
You can modify reply to addresses for individual mails, but not set it permanently.
If you or your organization uses Microsoft Exchange servers, users cannot permanently change their reply to address in Outlook. It is one of the many reasons you may need to change a reply to address for email messages in Outlook 2016. For example, if you’re sending an email from work but won’t have access to work email but you will be able to access your personal email, you can send an email from work and have the recipient reply to your home. If you’re going on vacation or will be out of reach for a while, changing the reply address for an email can be a useful way to keep in touch.